Seminar on Lecturer Research Results
Thursday 13 June 2024 The Master of Chemistry Study Program held a seminar on lecturers' research results to convey and provide research ideas to Chemistry study program students. The seminar was attended by 5 lecturers from five fields of chemistry, namely Inorganic, Physical, Organic, Biochemistry, and Analytical Chemistry, and it was attended by all chemistry study program lecturers and chemistry Master's students. The topics presented are as follows:
1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putra Manuaba, M.Phil : Profiling Logam-logam transisi dalam Biokimia Anorganik
2. Dr. Irdhawati, S.Si., M.Si : Modifikasi Screen Printed Carbon Electrode sebagai Chemicals Sensor
3. Dr. Drs. Manuntun Manurung, M.S. : Biochar Bambu Tabah Teraktivasi ZnCl2 Sebagai Adsorben Methylene Blue.
4. Prof. Dr. Dra Wiwik Susanah Rita, M.Si. : Bahan Alam sebagai antimikroba dan Antikanker
5. Dr. Ketut Ratnayani, S.Si., M.Si : Nutracetical berbasis kecambah kacang-kacangan.